Anxiously waiting

I am normally a high strung, somewhat neurotic and overly sensitive character. A very characteristically-typical Gemini...Just think a young Woody Allen, in a woman's body. Scary, I know.

As a bonifide bookworm and media-type, I recently applied to the "iSchool"
at the University of Washington, a Masters in Library and Information Science program (dMLIS). I am anxiously awaiting my acceptance/denial letter, which is either going to be the thick or the thin envelope. I applied in early March of this year and have to wait until mid-to-late May to hear of the decision. Can I get a prescription for this? I can't even sleep at night, but I'm not really wanting to take Ambien, if you know what I mean.

I also have something of a stable, predictable (dead-end) job with the State. My job is incredibly draining of all my creative juices because it's simply a series of mechanical processes and has no apparent room for professional growth. My application to other positions is kind of an ongoing thing, and so I also recently applied to an exciting professional staff position at the UW Library Administration. That job would be perfect for me! me! me! I was supposed to hear about it regardless by Friday, but then I couldn't take the be patient any longer...I called and they said the search is still underway, and I'd have to wait another week at least.

I would be perfectly happy if I either got this job or was accepted to the school. Both would be ideal, but it has to be at least one... See excited or depressed blogs in the future depending on pending decisions.

Well, I have to go play musical parking spots know and go re-park my car in another 2 hour parking zone (there is a currently a waiting list for classified staff to get garage parking). I'm just ready to get on with my life!

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