My Hero
The update: the show was amazing. Suzanne introduced me around shocking friends that she even has a sister. Lots of other friends and family in attendance. Suzanne played extremely well, everything really tight, in sync, loud and ominous. I sort of feel like I've been missing out on something all my life having never been to a metal show before. The venue was small and the music was not mind-crushingly loud, but it was intense. Suzanne had a host of fan-boys and everybody was really cheerful, and attentive to the show, dead quiet while the leads had solos. It was really cool. Garrett took footage of the whole thing and I hope to get to see some of it. I didn't bring a camera because I thought it would be rude to do any flash photography, but there were dozens of people there taking picts, videography, etc.
Any blog-philes that know of this may want to write here and tell me of your impressions.