
Showing posts from July, 2006

Librarians in the Movies

As I further explore the role of Library and Information Science professionals in social context, I found this interesting Yahoo group called "Librarians in the Movies." Through this group one can follow the relatively narrow topic of film and media representation of people involved in LIS work. This link above goes to short, filmed interviews produced (by Google) that solicit information from professional librarians about accessing/finding information using Google at a recent A.L.A conference. Google also has a group targeted to librarians to help them use Google searching techniques and products more effectively called The Google Librarian. There is some obvious cross-promotion at work here, as Google strives to make traditional paper books "searchable" by scanning them and putting "everything" online. It makes me curious about the company itself, and I wonder what it would be like to work for them?

Eugene to his friends...

For any of you that have yet seen or heard of this strange, new comic force, I give you the home page of Eugene Mirman . He is currently on "THE COMEDY MEN FROM TOMORROW TOUR" W/ Michael Showalter (Stella, Wet Hot American Summer, The State) and Leo Allen (Conan O'Brien, Comedy Central Presents, former SNL writer) Local shows include: Sat-Jul 22 Seattle, WA Sonic Boom Records in Ballard (5pm) Sat-Jul-22 Seattle, WA Chop Suey (9pm) I find him absolutely charming and original (hence the gratuitous promo) and am looking forward to meeting him on Saturday as potentially introduced by a dear friend.