
Showing posts from October, 2010

what motivates you?

Audience: this note is in draft form and will continue to be worked on as I refine my thinking on this topic. I've tagged you in this note because each of you are unique and excel in very specific ways.   I'd love to hear your thoughts on developing intrinsic motivation and what deserves to be a labor of love. Being currently unemployed from structured employment for the first time in many years has given me pause to think about the source of motivation.  I'm in the search for that "dream job" ...the job you get after putting in all the hard work, doing the training, getting the degree, going to networking events, taking little side jobs, analyzing job requirements, filling in gaps in one's resume, attending job-related seminars, doing more research on companies, setting up job alerts in search aggregators, tapping networks, going to informational interviews and writing and thinking more about what one really wants out of life anyways... or may...