Teen users of public libraries:
Jennifer Morales LIS 598 Journal of Professional Reflection Winter Quarter 08 Teen users of public libraries: One the first day of LIS 598, a course called The Thoughtful Professional,” we jumped right into contentious issues in public librarianship. Although I’ve not yet worked as a public librarian, I can imagine how this could is one of the more challenging venues in which to work, simply from the varied nature of “public” users. One of these is the issue of children and teen users and how some libraries view the community is taking advantage of the library as a public space to dump their kids off. (Does this really happen?) We discussed whether the library should be designated for certain uses and what types of enforcement is appropriate in this setting after reading “ Lock the Library! Rowdy Students are taking over. ” This article depicts young adult (middle school/high school) students as being a bane to both the library and a community ...