"City co-stars in short film"
Allegory film talent, crew and friends, As you may be aware it's been a gruelling 4 days so far, but there you have it, the link to the Saturday March 18th 2006 article about us in the Tacoma News Tribune. Article is by entertainment editor, Soren Anderson. Staff photographer Drew Perine from the Tacoma News Tribune was on set for several hours at the Western R Cafe location in Tacoma. Talent and crew, please keep this for future reference in your own bio/press kit records. For future searches, search: http://www.tacomanewstribune.com >search>"City co-stars in short film." http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/story/5597172p-5031179c.html See you all Monday at the beach for the 4th and final day of shooting! I will be in touch with updates on post production. Do email me to be added to the Jon Ra Films! distribution list. Special thanks to the Tacoma Film Office for your invaluable logistical support. Jennifer Jon Ra Films! Public Relations Seattle, WA 98102 Em...