
Showing posts from December, 2005
Winter view from old office window

academic writing sample (circa 2002)

Title: Relating self-enhancement, motivation and creativity Psych 110 March 18th, 2002 Abstract: Humanistic psychology holds the key to opening what's possible in terms of human achievement and subjective experience.  This important area of research supposes that individuals need not live a life experienced as endless anxiety, escapism, psychological entropy and social alienation.  In this paper I discuss environmental and psychological factors that contribute to the development of a total personality, defined as someone who becomes progressively complex and motivated over time and seeks an increase in experiences and responsibility.  The main focus of this paper is the exploration of the concept of intrinsic motivation and how this type of motivation is shown to lead to differing psychological outcomes, and subjective experience of life. Introduction: The overarching framework from which my topic derives is humanistic psychology, "a romantic model of expressive individ...